

Here you are, a small business owner! 

Most likely, when you made the decision to start this venture, you envisioned doing what you do best and loving every minute of it. 

You may have started out doing your own books to control your finances, maintain privacy, and keep costs low. However, as your business has taken off, you have found yourself spending far too much time focusing on keeping the books while neglecting other tasks requiring your direction. 

Or, you might be scrambling for tax season. If your books aren’t in order, you risk having your CPA (charging as much as $200-$425 per HOUR) having to organize them prior to preparing your taxes. 

By having your books in order, properly prepared, and ready to go, you would save valuable time, money, and most of all, stress. 

This is where a Bookkeeping Professional will help you. We are skilled in keeping books- it’s what we do best! Not only can we make sure your income and expenses are properly categorized and reconciled but ensure everything is prepared for tax season.